Meet Bob, Your Job Posting Agent

Greetings Employers!

My name is Bob.  I’m your Job Posting Agent at!

My job is to make sure using is as easy as possible for you.

If you haven’t heard, is an employment website that focuses on helping job seekers and employers connect and share Employment Related News, Events, Resources and Jobs! there are pages set up for posting to each of these categories.  News, Events, Resources & Jobs.

Posting on Free!   It’s a great way to get the word out about Anything Employment Related and indirectly market your company or services.

Connect with us on Social Media…  All postings are automatically shared on our social media pages which makes it very easy for you to like and share on your pages.  

facebook  twitter  linkedin   – Like, share, follow, tweet, connect – Hire!

If you want greater exposure,  we offer Social Media Post Boosting / Advertising on all the social media platforms. Reach your target market on your budget and we manage the campaign for you.

Any questions?  I’d love to give you a tour of the site.  Contact me today!

Would you like to post something now?  Register / Post  Or  Email it to me along with your contact information and I will post it for you.

Thank You and Good Luck with your search!

Bob @

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