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JobsMarket.com is your source for employment & career related news, events, resources and JOBS!
Whether you are a job seeker, employer, recruiter, HR, head hunter, coach, training provider… You get the idea, anybody looking for a job or hiring for a job is encouraged to connect, post and share.
Good Luck with your search!
Services for Job Seekers & Employers
- Search jobs posted here on JobsMarket.com
- Post a job here or on our network of regional sites.
- Design Build and Host a Custom Résumé via NiceResumé.com.
- Find resources on Job Coaching, Job Training & online Computer Training.
- Employer services, Job Posting & Custom built websites for Staffing Companies.
- JMC Network Affiliate business opportunity! Scroll down
JobsMarket.com 'JMC' Network - Ground floor, Going up!
JobsMarket.com is a network of regional and category specific sites which provides job seekers and employment recruitment professionals with a platform to receive, connect, and share employment related content. We have designed our sites to have local content and information, relevant to the region or category it serves. The “Network” brings it all together, giving each site the power of a national brand. Listed below are the first 20 sites we are developing in the network.
JobsMarket.com – Employment News, Events, Resources & JOBS!
NiceResume.com – Custom Resumé Design & Hosting
CarpeCafe.net – Career coaching, job training, computer training all in a comfortable coffee shop atmosphere.
XYZstaffing.com – Professional websites for the staffing industry.
HireEchelon.com – Career services for six figure + clientele.
Senior Jobs Now.com – Employment opportunities & resources for seniors.
- TriadJobsNow.com
- TriangleJobsNow.com
- CharlotteJobsNow.com
- AtlantaJobsNow.com
- MiamiJobsNow.com
- SeattleJobsNow.com
- NYCJobsNow.com
- Admin Jobs Now
- Executive Jobs Now
- Healthcare Jobs Now
- Hospitality Jobs Now
- IT Tech Jobs Now
- Sales Jobs Now
- Transportation Jobs Now
As Our Network Grows...
New opportunities for social media gurus, SEO experts, developers, sales and recruiters will become available.