Top Ten Resume Tips – Part 2

Employers receive hundreds of resumes; therefore, it is crucial to set yourself apart from the crowd. Not sure how to do that? In our latest Jobs Market blog we share the top ten resume writing tips to help your resume look its best. These tips are certain to get your resume noticed!

1. Always List Experience First

People often make the mistake of listing education first. However, most hiring managers care most about seeing your experience as that is a top qualifier and proves you know what you are doing. There are exceptions to this unspoken rule though. For example, if applying for a job at a college or educational field, then it is sometimes fitting to list education first.

Here are some things to look for while researching a company: 

  • What the company does
  • How long they’ve been in business
  • The company culture
person in black long sleeve shirt writing on white paper

2. Tailor to Job Posting with Keywords

You might not realize it, but keywords speak volumes on a resume. Are you thinking you do not even list keywords directly on your resume? Do you have job descriptions or skills listed on your resume? Those are keywords! Utilize those areas with keywords that match jobs you are applying for and take out ones that do not match. If you are applying for an accounting position, then you will want words listed that are associated for that field, such as, taxes or accounts payable. 

3. Keep It Neat & Professional

Nothing is a bigger turn off for a hiring manager than seeing a resume that is extremely unorganized and filled with typos. Always proofread your resume when creating it and after every single change. Be sure it flows in a way that makes sense and not items listed haphazardly. 

4. Be Unique

Show your personality through your resume. A resume does not have to be boring, especially if you are applying for a creative position. Below are a few fun ways to make your resume more unique.

  • List a favorite or meaningful quote
  • Use a splash of color
  • Insert your logo
  • Try a fun layout

5. Constantly Update Your Resume

Just like seasons change, so does experience, skills, and qualifications. Therefore, be sure to regularly update your resume with new work or abilities. Another thing that often changes is phone numbers and email addresses, so always keep those up to date. Side note: You should always list your contact information on your resume, even if it’s in the application!


6. Only List Relevant Work

If you have been in the workforce long enough, then you’ve likely racked up a variety of jobs. Let’s face facts though. A new employer is not going to care about your high school or college job, especially if it is not even relevant to your current field. Ditch those items to utilize that space for more important and relevant projects or talents.

person holding black tablet computer

7. Save & Send Resume as a PDF

Whether you are using Word or Google Docs or another processor, always save or print your document as a PDF. The reason for this is it is a universal format. Anyone can open this type of document on any computer or even mobile phone. Plus, it keeps your formatting and ensures it doesn’t open and look different on the hiring managers computer.

8. Keep it to One Page

Hiring managers receive tons of resumes and have only so much time to review them. You want to make sure you are giving them all the information they need about you. But you do not want to ramble or create a long document a hiring manager won’t have time to read. One page is usually the best bet for resume length.

9. Do Not List References Upon Request

This is a common mistake. Writing this out on your resume takes up precious space! Any employer knows they can ask you for references, so this is a futile statement! Additionally, many applications already ask you to list references.

10. Resume Should Match Your Current Field

Last, but not least, always make it a point to match your resume to your current field. For instance, if you are a graphic designer, then you should have a more ‘artsy’ type resume. Or, if you are a writer, then you should list a link to your writing portfolio on your resume. Another side note: Make sure all links are clickable and accurate.

What's Next?

Check out the rest of the great blogs in our ‘Getting a Job in 2022’ series.

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